jp, I tried that one, they don’t eat the garlic but it only pushes them a few feet and they will go around or under it. I’m not sure I have normal gophers, I may need to contact some scientists because it’s possible that I have a mutant species with superhero abilites, they may be related to the monty python killer bunny. They got by a retaining wall that goes below the surface two feet, past a stretch of concrete, beyond poison pellets, poison gas and a trap laden minefield about twenty feet long to their promiseland of my front yard. I fully expect that the morning after I place the solar powered sonar repellers, I will walk out to my car and find them sitting on the wall, smoking cigarettes, drinking 40oz malt liquor and laughing at me while I look down to see the repellers broken into a dozen pieces. My gophers have tattoos and wear raiders jersey’s. I was thinking of waiting hawk’s method of a .22 but not sure if that will kill them, it might just make them mad, I may need to jump straight to Allan’s aresenal. I’m just afraid that the authorities will get suspicious if I start running internet searches for “yellow cake uranium.”