JP, even though you feel so torn about buying it now, I think in a few years you will look back and see that it was a good decision. Not necessarily lowest price, but good overall decision. It’s very hard to get out of the routine of checking and following all listings and NODs etc. – but that prolonged search IS stressful. You are feeling let down, you feel like you could have done better, if you and your husband would have waited, that’s normal. Don’t let it become an issue in your marriage, it’s not worth it. try to see the positives of it and move on.
But really, I am sure it is a good purchase, after all that extensive research and following the market.
Relax. Forget about the RE market ( I know, you will have withdrawal). Don’t look back, just forward. I know you don’t want congratulations but you deserve them.
In the current market conditions which are bound to continue for a long time ( kicking the can down the road) it’s very hard to not feel you are settling no matter what you buy and when. Seems like you got a good deal. There are lot of unknowns about the future financial situation, you HAVE to hedge your bets – i.e. settle, compromise. Don’t worry about it anymore. I think maybe you are too stressed about it, and gradually you will discover how refreshing and liberating it is to put all this RE stuff behind you – and focus instead on other things more fun – having more fun, making home improvements.
BTW, LA means listing agent, right? So, you did not have a realtor agent, you went with the listing agent always?