Josh, you mentioned you overeat, so I agree, you have to have some self control and not eat so much, practice moderation. Maybe hang out with friends who are healthier/ fitter…you’ll probably find yourself eating much healthier food at a potluck or dinner party when your friends are as well.
I dont believe in not eating carbs or entire food groups, its just not practical and not sustainable. However, you can choose wisely within the food group. I eat tons of carbs, but lost weight after I stopped eating boxed processed food and started choosing better carbs. I don’t eat any fast food except for mexican or protein style burgers at In n Out, but stick to things like carne asada or chicken soft tacos…limit the fat/grease, etc. And we dont’ eat it every week, its like once a month.
For potlucks and dinner parties, you can entirely control what you eat by bringing it. You should bring something healthy, so that if there is nothing else there that is, you at least have something to eat. Host them at your place and ask people to bring things IE: a salad, a side to share, and you can control the main dish, IE grilled fish or chicken with healthy veggies. Even if you make something hearty, like enchiladas, its still healthier than if you ate out because you’ll likely use less salt, less fat, etc.
Things to do with friends, plan hiking trips, pack healthy snacks like trail mix, fruit, dried fruit, your own sandwiches. This way you won’t be tempted to go gorge after your hike. Go work out with them, IE hit the gym, go for a run, go biking together. Play rock band at home or games with friends.
If you meet friends out at bars, pre-eat so you don’t make bad choices on food because you’re starving and eat like a huge bowl of tater tots or french fries. I definitely do that sometimes, but its a rare occasion. Just try to limit your bad food choices to once a week to start, and you’ll find when it becomes once or twice a month, you don’t really miss it.