Josh I understand your point. Look, all I am trying to say is that some people enjoy living in communities that other people consider pieces of sh-t…
“At what point though have you worked hard enough that you are entitled to more?”
Come on now. This statement is bizarre. Nobody is entitled to anything, you know that. You want more house for your money? You want a nicer neighborhood, nicer schools, less density? Go move somewhere else. You want to live in one of the highest priced cities in the world to live in? Then that is where you choose to live. I do not agree that any amount of salary or money saved up “justifies” any sentiment at all. I am just as fed up as anyone that I cannot afford where I want to live. So I can leave town, or I can accept where I am at, or I can work two jobs, have a wife that works another, and bust ass to try to save alot of money. There are plenty of good neighborhoods in other cities that are much less expensive to live in.
Hey I am just as bitter as anyone here but I do not feel entitled to anything even though I work my ass off, have been fiscally responsible, and still am stuck renting.