Josh – I agree with you 100%. You have a lot of insight at a relatively young age. And you are right, ignorance is not a viable defense in BK court, I have used it and it didn’t work.
It’s amazing how our lives improve when we stop laying blame (including blaming themselves) and just accept the way our life is and that we were the ones who were always there when it unfolded that way.
Taking responsibility for creating our own particular set of circumstances is a huge step towards personal freedom and allows us to move ahead to a much fuller and rewarding existence.
You have learned the most valuable of life’s lessons at a relatively young age – it took me a lot longer and I experienced the severe consequences of acting irresponsibly, not only with my finances but with my relationships as well.
When I was your age I had a $ 10 Million statement, a wonderful family, a home on the ocean and a very cocky attitude, (ala George Chamberlin). Ninety days later I was broke, alone and living in my car. I had nobody to blame so I picked up the pieces and began a 25 year odyssey back to a meaningful life.
I took some hard hits when I was your age (and for many years thereafter) but I grew to understand that living responsibly is the only way to live with integrity. Blame has no place in a purposeful life.
I am glad to have been given a second chance at life and was humbled by the discovery of what really matters during our short time on earth – true freedom is nothing more than taking personal responsibility for all things in life (good or bad).
You have my deepest respect for taking a path that many never choose (as you said laying blame is fun and I might add a lot easier than taking responsibility).
But believe me, for taking the road less traveled…it will make all the difference.