[quote=jonnycsd]This is certainly the dynamic I see among my married friends.
“>I am not sure why men put up with this,”
Easy answer – once you are married have kids, then if she leaves the guy looses his house, the car, the kids, plus pays all the bills including alimony, child support, insurance and more. He will be lucky if he can afford groceries.
With such a huge financial incentive for her to leave, the married man better just suck it up and do “Whatever makes her happy”. Suffer the henpecking or be poor.
The really sorry thing is how many of these emasculates are cuckholded by thier nagging wives.[/quote]
Not sure where you’re getting your “facts” from, but women tend to fall into poverty after divorce at a much higher rate than divorced men.
Why Do Many Women Slip Below Poverty Line?
Recent studies have proved that as many as 53.4% of the single mothers with children are below the poverty line. In addition, studies also prove that while men tend to experience only a 10% drop in incomes post-divorce, women are likely to experience as much as 30% drop in income after divorce.
The main reason for this is that when women tend to start their careers after taking a long break from their careers, they do not get hired for highly skilled jobs. In addition, many single custodial mothers can only afford to take up part-time work because the cost of child-care far outweighs the benefits of a fulltime job.
Let’s face it, NOBODY “wins” in a divorce. **Everybody** is much poorer after divorce because, after divorce, they have to pay for TWO households instead of one, and both get HALF of the marital assets, leaving each with half of what they once had.
I’m focusing especially on divorced mothers, because there is a tremendous difference between divorced with kids (BIG deal), and divorced without kids. Essentially, a divorced woman will end up with much more work after divorce because she will have to work longer hours at a job and take care of the kids without any help at home — nobody to take care of the kids if they are sick and can’t go to school (and she has to go to work), nobody to pick up the kids if she needs to work late, etc…and she will have to do all of this with much less money, as the family’s assets were halved and the purchasing power of the entire family reduced due to the extra expenses of running two households.
Divorce sucks — for mothers, fathers, and especially the kids.