JPJones, if you are hoping a kindergarten sex ed class will protect your three year old son from the bad people of the world you need to wake up.
A kindergarten sex ed class will NOT adequately prepare him or her to defend against sexual predators. THAT IS YOUR JOB!!! YOU MUST NEVER ALLOW YOUR KINDERGARTEN AGE CHILD TO BE IN A SITUATION WHERE THEY BECOME THE TARGET OF A SEXUAL ADVANCE.
What is wrong with you people?
Please, be a good parent. Take responsibility for your kids and don’t think the government is going to protect them for you. The government can not do that, no matter how hard they try.[/quote]
You’re absolutely right. It is my responsibility to protect and help reinforce the education my child gets. I wasn’t saying that the material in question is the end-all be-all that is going to keep my kid safe. You’re making assumptions about my view of parenting that are grossly inaccurate.