I’ll repeat it again, but certain public sector jobs have certain (NOT HIGHER OR BETTER) standards because the job just requires it. Like if you were to audit foster parents, you couldn’t have been a child molester, etc…
Honestly, I think anyone who thinks public sector workers are more skilled/talented are just deluding themselves…Especially people who have never succeeded in the private sector and had only government jobs.
My only real experience with public jobs is during the hiring process, everything is SO slow…By the time they get back to me, I already have 3 offers in hand all higher paying without me having to jump through hoops to prove I’m your guy.
Think of also the mentality of the people who work in a government job. Most jobs are harder to get fired from so you have a segment of workers who simply aren’t as competitive
My brother works with government workers in the defense industry and complains all the time about how once their hours are done, they are done as well. Also, things move so slowly compared to the private sector where you work non-stop or you’ll get passed by, not to mention if you don’t do it, someone else will step up and work harder than you. Your job is also much less secure so you can’t afford to sit around like some public employee.
Look at teachers/cops, you name it, molest kids and you still get paid while they figure out what happens, or kill someone and you get paid time off automatically. Does it make them more qualified or more experienced or better in anyway?
Absolutely not!
All that said, I don’t think you’ll ever agree with me or anyone else on this topic and instead of slinging your own BS that the public sector has HIGHER standards, just agree that the standards are different.
Like Bill Gates, if he wanted to run the ACA website probably can’t since he has no college degree…boo, what an idiot way to do things in general.
At the end of the day, ANYTHING the public government runs is more expensive, less efficient, more prone to fraud, rip/off people, than near anything the private industry does so please stop with the BS as well that the standards or public sector jobs is higher, just DIFFERENT.[/quote]
Yes, public sector jobs usually require these higher barriers to entry, relative to similar positions in the private sector, because many public sector jobs usually entail positions of trust. Public entities are also viewed as deep pockets so they are always on guard where these liabilities are concerned, and this is one of the many reasons they have to screen their applicants the way they do. Yes, it’s slower, but it’s for a good reason — they are trying to avoid hiring people who will become a liability to the govt, so they need to hire the best possible candidates for the job. Also, since recruiting, hiring, and training consume a lot of resources, they don’t want to keep doing it over and over again, so want to make sure they get it right the first time whenever possible.
Not sure who you’re referring to in your third paragraph, because I’ve spent more years in the private sector than the public sector, and I worked my way up the corporate ladder very quickly. But since you’ve mentioned it, most of us who defend public sector workers and unions have worked in both the public and private sectors…how about you?
Yes, your brother is correct about unionized workers stopping work when their hours are over. Perhaps you’ve missed it in your history lessons, but unions are responsible for the 40-hour workweek, fair wages, safe working conditions, and all of the other worker protections that grew a healthy, robust middle class in this country that was the envy of everyone around the world. You’re also right about private sector workers setting us back many decades where labor protections are concerned.
And yet, when the effects of dismantling unions and worker protections are realized — the shrinking middle class, reduced purchasing power, wealth/income inequality, lower wages and benefits, and the way work encroaches more and more on a worker’s personal time, etc. — the hoodwinked sheeple blame the unions. Funny how ignorant some people can be. Your brother and others just like him are responsible for the decimation of the middle class in the America. Don’t blame the unions for the problems you’ve created. The unions have been trying to protect your rights, even though you’ll apparently never comprehend all the good they’ve done (and are still trying to do since the attacks against workers are still ongoing).
Nobody said that due process procedures make a person more qualified for the job, so not sure where your rant about cops/teachers who molest people is coming from. If they are found guilty, they go to jail, as well as lose their jobs. I don’t think any reasonable union member or leader would want otherwise. Are you suggesting that an accusation, no matter who makes it or what the circumstances might be, should enable the govt agency to fire the employee without due process? If you believe that, you’re part of the reason why this country has gone so far downhill.
As for your assertion that the private sector does things better and/or for less money…more bullshit propaganda put out by the privatization movement and corporate capitalists. Again, so many services have been outsourced to the private sector over the past few decades…have your taxes gone down as a result?
Here’s the truth:
The theory that the federal government should outsource its operations to private firms usually rests on a simple premise: It saves money. But why should we believe it saves money? Often the argument is made by pointing to salaries for public- and private-sector employees in comparable jobs and noting that the private-sector employees make less. So outsourcing the task to the private worker should be cheaper, right? That’s the theory, at least. But a new study from the Project on Government Oversight suggests that this theory is quite wrong. In many cases, privatizing government turns out to be far more costly.
The following one describes many of the sectors where privatization has taken hold…and failed.
Some of America’s leading news analysts are beginning to recognize the fallacy of the “free market.” Said Ted Koppel, “We are privatizing ourselves into one disaster after another.” Fareed Zakaria admitted, “I am a big fan of the free market…But precisely because it is so powerful, in places where it doesn’t work well, it can cause huge distortions.” They’re right. A little analysis reveals that privatization doesn’t seem to work in any of the areas vital to the American public.
Federal contracts study says privatization isn’t cheaper
A recently-released study by the nonpartisan watchdog Project On Government Oversight says the federal government signs off on service contract billing rates that, “on average, pay contractors 1.83 times more than the government pays federal employees in total compensation, and more than 2 times the full compensation paid in the private sector for comparable services.”
The report, which was issued last month, concludes, “Given that one-quarter of all discretionary spending now goes to service contractors, a reassessment of the total federal work force, with a focus on contractor billing rates, could save taxpayers billions of dollars annually.”
Skip to: Prison privatization | School Choice | Paying not once, but twice | More Examples | Yes, we do need bureaucrats | Conclusion
It is common knowledge that the private sector is more efficient than the public sector because private businesses have to worry about going out of business, while government agencies do not. The private sector will work harder and smarter, since the need to compete creates incentives for innovation and hard work. Having private companies perform the jobs of government will make everything more efficient.