[quote=joec]kev, how old are you btw? +/- a few years is fine…What I’ve noticed is that as we get older, I think guys get more concerned with this whole marriage/finance thing and when 40+ comes around, they are probably too worried to bother. Again, maybe it’s really just not the person you want to make all the sacrifices for, but that’s what I’ve seen with some co-workers in that age bracket…
I think the Orange County/LA area IS very different too. For people who have lived/worked there, I think it’s much more superficial than say SD or the bay area.
You should also consider, Kev, what you are trying to attract and what you find attractive. If you’re looking for the super-hot chick with the perfect hair, nails, and figure…who goes to the gym 5X week to look hot (not primarily for health), perhaps YOU are the one who needs to re-assess things.
You might want to consider a girl who is a little less “hot” (read: high-maintenance), and try dating more down-to-earth girls with good personalities. IMHO, they make better wives and are far more likely to treat you well and stay loyal to you for the rest of your life (which should absolutely be your goal if you’re planning to marry…or you’ll end up one of those bitter divorced dudes who can’t stop whining about alimony/child support, etc.).