[quote=joec]I think one point that should be kept in mind is that there isn’t an answer for everyone. It really depends on the 2 people to see what will work out for them. Most of this is dependent on what they grew up with or what they “see” as good/acceptable, etc…Like some people split all bills, some people share, etc…
One thing I have sorta noticed is for both men and women who want to, but aren’t married after 40+, usually there is some issue with them and they may not even realize it. I saw it with guy co-workers who were too “greedy” or was too “worried” about their finances to not lose it all. Maybe they just haven’t met the one they are willing to take the chance on, but pretty common in guys I think if they make decent money…It’s certainly a concern, but it’s to the point of too worried to leap I see.
I could understand if you’re Zuckerberg and you’re a billionaire, but most people aren’t that well off.
All the generalizations of someone should ask for this, do that just doesn’t really make any sense for each individual couple since everyone views things with different importance.
Read the comments too. The problem with that situation is that society isn’t too kind towards this type of setup. Growing up, I think most guys never expected to be a SAHD or taken care of, but if that happens, society is extremely mean to the guy. Also, you rarely hear of guys telling a wife that she’s a “loser” for not making more money…Just not done really since that’s ingrained in our historical traditional view of the sexes.
Over the long term, I think more men will be sahd since it’s slowly getting more common and women, already make up the majority of college graduates and medical and many other graduate studies. Women will continue to advance in education since girls are generally better able to study/sit still, are less hyper, etc…than boys
In the old days, it was expected that you had to get married to get the sex…Now, that’s totally not the case so more men AND women will probably prefer to be single. There is still the thought of some that marriage is good for the kids and I agree with that too, but you already have people not married and together with kids.
To the parent who stayed together for the kids, I think you didn’t do what’s best for you (clearly), but you did what was best for your kids so that was a sacrifice you did to try to have a stable environment at home.
As strangely as it sounds, I want to watch some old episodes of Married with Children since I think a lot of it is actually relevant to married men. With kids, unless you plan to screw your family over, all the women out there are sorta a waste of time since there’s no point when you are a parent no matter how bad a marriage is.
That said, for divorced parents, other kids are mean and boys, especially without a dad (wife could get re-married and move) are in extremely high risk to end up in jail.
Girls, just guessing, will end up being porn stars…
I think if someone did a poll here, also a lot more people are divorced than people realize. I think at one of my old jobs, nearly ALL (maybe 75%) the other managers in my group were divorced in the past.
That was a long ramble…[/quote]
While I don’t agree that women (or men) are worthless, the rest is probably true. Different strokes for different folks. Lots of couples find alternative arrangements that work best for them. OTOH, what’s right for kids tends to be pretty clear: an intact household with both of their parents living there, and if they’re married, all the better.