[quote=Jim Jones]
To bring this back on topic; did the 700 generation not know what they should have known but they could not have known because they have not known it any other way in their country?[/quote]
Hmm, they should have realized that the government that was providing early retirement to hairdressers because of the hazarduous conditions of their employment wouldn’t be able to maintain it?
I don’t think that’s a 700 problem, I think that is all the dole takers are just kicking the can down the road. Cali will have the same problem. Fundamentally, the State, whether Cali or Greece, will not be able to afford retirements at 55 at 100% or more of their base payment because of overtime.
Think about it, if you retire at 55 you are looking at 30 years of retirement. Thirty years of work, thirty years of retirement. Basically, that means their real pay is 2X their listed pay.