He stated that he would support economic and tax policies which would in fact lead to the decline in relative wealth and quality of living for 10 million American’s. To me this is crazy our government is in power to preserve our nations wealth, not “spread the wealth around” IMHO.[/quote]
OK, I’m just trying to figure out what specifically those policies would be. I do not think our government is in power “to preserve our nation’s wealth.” I’m pretty sure it’s in power principally to preserve our purported freedoms (obviously it’s debatable as to how well it’s doing in that regard), with all the various and sundry things that implies, which theoretically should serve to preserve our nation’s wealth. Although I think much of the rest of the world would agree with you that it’s clear that Americans want to preserve their wealth – everyone else be damned – and not “spread it around.” Which, as you’re surely aware, is one of the big problems that the Rest of the World has with the U.S. Me… I don’t have kids so I have the luxury of not really worrying about it. I could really give a shit how it all turns out, although I do have a soft spot for the underdog, so I would like to see folks in the emerging countries continue to dig their way out of poverty… even if that means some pain here in the U.S. I love living in the U.S. but let’s face it – we’re a pretty soft, spoiled, provincial, money-grubbing bunch. We probably deserve the pain that’s coming.