Jfiquette definitely has a polarizing effect on the Piggington posters.
My concern about republicans is that they are nakedly self serving, and that those they serve are unquestionably the rich, and the rich trying to become richer. (Not to be cornfused with Rich Toscano)
My concern about democrats is that on the surface and to some relevant degree under the hood, they have the concerns of the under $250 K per year citizen at heart, but to an equally relevent extent, they can be as answerable to special interest, and furthermore can be as “Dirty as the
other guys”. (Politics is dirty in practice, and unless we as citizens become better organized and vote in people who will make some real structural changes, Rep/Dem, it won’t long term make a big difference which party you choose)
Having said all that, its asburd to lay at the feet of the Democrats increases of oil prices that have not yet taken place. When we get to $11/gal oil, and we will at some point because its a limited resource, we will only be able to blame circumstances (Dem, Rep, yin, yang) that we ultimately can’t control.
Jfiquette, posters like you come and go. The real question is, how long will you stick around? Will you be a flash in the pan, or will we still see your posts in 3 months, 6 months, and so on.
Keep your intriguing posts coming, I enjoy the back and forth, while waiting for the eventual RE down turn to play out.