jfiq, I know you’re a Jets fan and all, but you’ve got some real ‘issues’. Most Piggs are pretty smart. It’s an experienced, knowledgable and intellectual group here. You’re not going to change any minds being a jackass. Approach things on the level and you might actually be more effective over the long-run. Take it for what it’s worth.
Larger picture, I’d like to point out something here. You don’t like where the Republican party is right now, right? You’ve said as much to old-school R’s such as AFF. Not many of us do anymore. I’m totally turned off by this new-age Republican bullshit. It’s not the same Republican party. Crazy Ron Paul is right.
So what’s the worst thing that could happen come November? It’s not a Dem presidency. No, in an absurd way, Dems taking over would be a good thing for the Republican party in the long-run. The worst thing for the Republican party and the country would be affirming the current direction and cast of misguided Republican leaders. All the slime Dems/Obama posts are counter-productive. There has to be pushback for the last 8 years. Failure to do so is the worst outcome.
For my part, I believe an Obama presidency will be fine, if not moderately successful — especially in comparison to past few years. He’s not a fringe lunatic (or a secret muslim) and I think we might actually begin to address some huge issues we face connected to energy and foreign policy. But part of my position is also there has to be pushback for what’s gone down.
Also, it would be helpful for all of us if the partisanship settles into the background. Amplifying divisions is not helpful to the larger collective efforts to deal with the world we’re facing. That’s the truth. These are not ordinary times.