Why when presented with evidence supporting claims that this mess started with Clinton you come up with nation debt issues?
Well a lot of this discussion, by which I mean the national dialogue of turmoil and bailout (not specifically this thread) seems to focus on issues of cost to taxpayers.
Why can’t democrats stick to issues and facts rather then try to cloud them?
I am a liberal. My party affiliation is incidental (and could change). There have been several occasions where republicans were closer to my line of thinking. So I really cannot speak to your anecdotes regarding democrats. Based on your descriptions, you would think that a maverick and bipartisan Republican (which is a fair description of McCain) would be more successful. However, democracy does not favor you.
Urban do you think an Obama, Pelosi, Reid led country will actually balance the budget as he claims?
I don’t know.
But a white trash, Bible-thumping, southern liberal did it. It is true, he was a Rhodes scholar, but its not like he was a some ivory tower intellectual. He was just good at figuring stuff out and acknowledging his weak points and listening to adverse opinions.
On that same topic I don’t think it is reasonable to hold a chief executive as innocent and absent from the performance of the nation. Clinton was not along for the ride any more than the Bush administration was.
Do you really even care that the budget is balanced?
As an abstract concept? No,not at all.
What I care is that the burden of debt service not become so cumbersome that we have to print our way out. I think it unlikely that we will ever need to monetize our debt (ala Latin America in the ’80s or Zimbabwe now) but I do fear that we will see damaging inflation or increase in the cost of borrowing as a result of being over-leveraged or reduced ability to use fiscal policy as a result of enforced fiscal conservatism.
I think that these are reasonable concerns.
Best example: Japan during the 90’s.