[quote=jficquette][quote=DWCAP]While I appreciate Johns trust in my field, we as a race will never cure death. It wont happen. This is Star Trek science, I only wish it was true.
We need to confront our fear of death. It will happen. We will not be able to cure everything, and even if we can replace some parts of our whole, we will not be able to replace everything.[/quote]
Well, I think that Star Trek will get here sooner or later. No reason why we can change the Human DNA to be disease free. Heck, we have disease resistant Corn. Why not Humans (g)?
Even if you could engineer “disease free” dna (whatever that means) there will still be mutations. There’s just an awful lot of cell reproduction over the course of a lifetime in the presence of UV and other things that cause transcription errors…
There would still be birth defects, novel viruses (due to mutation), accidents in our flying cars, and tragic accidents due to negligence in the transporter room…
I’m pretty sure death is gonna be with us for awhile to come. And even if some small number of folks get to 150 or whatever, I think the mean will be slower to move – especially globally.