I would tell them to use the deposit for rent and find another place to live.
The problem with that is I’m moving in July regardless of my deadbeat landlords, as I’m being relocated to Bethesda Maryland. Do you have any idea what a pain in the ass it’s going to be to move, live there for 3 months , then move again? I would also either have to move myself or incur all the moving expenses, as the move isn’t based on orders by the gov’t. I had to move myself in May 07 into my current house after my prior landlords pulled the rug out from under me, and it was almost more than I could stand. I guess my wife and I have too much crap, but there you go.
And for the prior poster that asked if it was a NOD or NOT, it would seem to be a NOD, as there was a request to call Countrywide to try to settle the debt, rather than vacate for a trustee sale. There was no mention about the duration of the default , however.
Thanks for the advice HLS, perhaps we can work out a barter arrangement for some free obstetric care?