[quote=Jessica]HOA pending litigation for construction defects (plumbing and thin walls?) affecting the entire complex. I am still searching for the history and the current status of the pending litigation (lawyer has not answered my calls yet). They only accept cash offers since no bank approves loans on the complex with HOA pending litigation. Thanks for those of you trying to help.[/quote]
If I were you, I would stay as far away from this complex as possible. If the HOA prevails in the lawsuit, they will likely NOT be able to replace every piece of the faulty (PBT?) plumbing. When it bursts (and it does) it floods affected units and eventually mold begins growing between the walls.
“Lawyers” are not going to return your calls. You need to look the case up yourself and pull up the register of actions to see where it is if you are really interested in finding out. It takes years to litigate these claims due to the number of defendants. Each defendant is handled separately by the court and eventually most are dismissed from the case. Here is the link for SD County: