[quote=JBurkett19]Try living in your diversified portfolio. What no bed or toilet in there? Try growing food to eat in the back yard of your diversified portofilio. Outside of water, there is no other asset more important that land. In order for land to be best utilized, you need a dwelling on it, water to it and at least a piece to grow something.
Yes, other investments over time (given the right times of jumping in and out) might pay more money. But, no other investment protects you dignity, like a place to lay your head and a toilet to go in.[/quote]
I agree with you J. Of course I could spend my life worrying about when to get in or out of a certain industry/stock whatever. However, I’m too busy. I’ve got a job and a family to raise and I think theres a south swell on the way. I think I’m gonna hop on my bike and coast down Leucadia Blvd with my board and jump in the water. I love the aspect of owning my home and never thought I’d be able to get a detached home in Encinitas a short bike ride the beach without selling my soul. I feel really fortunate to think that if the &$#t hit the fan I could probably just get a job as a valet and still pay my mortgage at the rate I got last November. I dont plan to, but I could. On second thought…that would allow me to surf pretty much all day?
I love all the propaganda calls on this thread. I think it’s called disagreeing with you. It’s only propaganda if you see it that way.