[quote=Jazzman]I should I suppose presage my posts with “now wait for the Realtors responses to come fighting back”. BG, it was not aimed at you, just a general note of caution, and since you claim not to be a Realtor, I’m sure you will agree that pressure from a broker is usually a pretty one sided affair and to be avoided. As for the rest of your essay, I will have to come back to you. Got to dash (from my $270/sq ft home in paradise with no property tax) to catch the next big surf. Yep, there’s a good reason indeed. Common sense mostly.[/quote]
Hmmm, looks like Jazzman’s current tax bill for his condo is approximately $2173.50.
That’s not “nothing” …. it’s .575%, which is a little less than half the (ad valorem + local svcs) rate of “city” parcels in Cali w/o MR (more than half of the tax base of uninc parcels). Perhaps Maui doesn’t have as many “services” available to its residents as we do. Being completely “waterlocked,” they certainly don’t have anywhere near the population we do to use them.
Acc to his post below, Jazzman paid ~$378K for his 1400 sf condo (new construction):