[quote=Jazzman]I saw the only real outpouring of emotions from the father of one of the Isla Vista victims. It wan’t the usual staged, weepy, emotionally restrained, official press-type announcement. It was raw, highly charged, and very condemnatory of the fact that nothing is being done to prevent these incidences. The man had all but fallen to pieces. Watching this poor man in utter despair was gut wrenching.
Whatever your beliefs about gun-ownership and mass slayings, don’t we owe it to him to do something. Nothing is being done, and I find it despairing that people aren’t on the street demanding change. From the outside it appears as bordering on extreme selfishness.[/quote]
This is exactly the problem. We have this strong emotional desire to do something to keep this terrible thing from happening again and don’t use any logic to figure out if what we do is going to be effective. We need to use logic and research to determine if something is going to be effective, and I haven’t seen much evidence that attempting to further restrict gun access will lead to the desired outcome. It would be nice if it was that simple. It’s complex problem that requires a complex solution. We’ve been going down the path of more and more gun control and yet it doesn’t seem to be working as advertised.
Chicago has incredibly strict gun control laws, bordering on being in violation of the 2nd amendment yet still have one of the highest homicide rates in the country. CA has pretty strict gun control laws and yet this incident happened here. We’ve been increasing gun control laws over the years and yet it’s not producing the desired result of fewer homicides. When do we consider that might not be the correct solution.