[quote=Jazzman] . . . I really did my homework, and therein probably lies the problem. The more I became aware of the issues, the more skeptical I became. . .[/quote]
Jazzman, from your post above, it almost sounds as if you may have “overthought” several purchases and thus talked yourself out of competing for them. And most of the areas you were shopping in no doubt had a preponderance of all-cash buyers like yourself.
[quote=Jazzman]We did want to live in CA, but the poor choice of homes and asking prices was such a deterrent. If you are a cash buyer, it’s your money and you are much more reluctant to part with it than when using someone else’s. . . One thing I have noticed with Californians is a reluctance to acknowledge that there are alternatives. Until you have lived them you won’t know.[/quote]
I understand that you may have thought the prices of properties sellers were “holding fast” to were a deterrent for you, because you were comparing them to elsewhere (out-of-state/out-of-country??). Each micro-market has its own pricing nuances and attracts a particular subset of buyers over other types, thus a potential buyer should only compare it to itself or the properties within it to each other. You need to ask yourself why this is so. Most CA natives and long-time CA residents (ESP those approaching retirement) have traveled extensively throughout the country and many have traveled outside of the country, including myself. It doesn’t take attempting to live in a particular locale to determine if living there would be a better or worse lifestyle than the area one is already living in.
For example, I have personally visited two islands in HI (Oahu 4 times), but not Maui. I have heard of it from others who have visited Maui and have seen photos of it and will agree that it looks very beautiful and peaceful. However, I’m a person who likes to hit the open road periodically. Driving ’round and ’round a smallish “rock” on its 1-2 “highways” would give me “island fever” within a year. Yes, I would like to visit Maui someday but don’t think I would want to live there. So, for this reason, Maui might be a good choice for your retirement home but not mine. Different strokes for everyone but you must admit that Maui is NOT the Cont’l US and one must take a helicopter, light plane or boat in order to leave the island.
Congrats again, Jazzman, on your recent purchase of a retirement home on Maui, HI and I hope it offers you and your spouse much enjoyment!