Jayeski definitely do not even consider buying downtown now. There is a REALLY great website that focuses 100% on downtown condos for a small fee. One of the posters here was posting about it and if you look back at previous posts you can find it. I will try to find the URL for you.
As Perry was saying the condo you will want will depend on the amenities you want. Discovery for instance has great amenities but you will pay close to 600 a month HOA for them. Also downtown has quite a variety of condos. There is the east side, there is Little Italy, there simply is ALOT to choose from.
Give it another 2 years and the same 2 bedroom condo you want will most likely be at least 20% cheaper then it is today. I have an escrow in Discovery that sold for over 600k 2 years ago and is in escrow today for 532 with a 7k credit to the buyers. My sellers are happy to get out with at about 6 figures when it is all said and done.