jabrwoki: My buddy that lives in Los Altos works for Intel on their Sta. Clara campus and says that the buzz about Google stock is that it is in for a downturn. Given that its presently in nosebleed range ($700+ a share), that would make sense. I also hear that some of the steam is coming out of the Google machine, and their frenetic hiring pace is slowing somewhat. Based on what he said, Google was driving housing prices in areas ranging from Mountain View through Menlo/Atherton. He mentioned a senior program engineer buying a place in Palo Alto Hills near the country club for a cool two mil in cash. Must be nice.
I’d love to grab a couple of acres in either Sonoma or Napa and build. I missed a primo chance at the end of the dot.bomb bust when I could have picked up two acres in Healdsburg for $150k. Some dot.com genius was apparently also an aspiring vinter and lost the property when his company went bust. Waited a bit too long, and missed the opportunity. Plenty of nice places for sale in those areas, and the prices are getting competitive again.