I’ve traded in/out of gold three times during the last ten days, and I made at least 2% each time, sometimes over 5% net on trades.
Yesterday, I made another 1.5% and dumped at the session highs.
Then no surprise (to me), gold drops like a rock today.
And you’re giving me a hard time for not owning any! Ha!
Today, first time in weeks gold drops to 775, so I buy.
Get a clue. My trades on gold may look random, but they are not. They are making me $2K to $5K on each trade, because I typically make six-figure trades on GLD.
I do make mistakes but you people can’t seem to spot the mistakes!
Example: I should have dumped ALL gold yesterday, not just 60%!
At Thursday Noon (NYC time) I tell you how to make money. I point out the start of the Fool’s Rally AND I point it out to you only 2% up off its very bottom that morning.
Today we are up 9% from my time-stamped post telling you all to go long. All yah had to do is buy “SSO” or “QLD” and you’re up 18% in two days!
Oh, except i told you to buy OIL STOCKS. Those are up waaaay more than 9% since yesterday morning.
Whaddya want? Haven’t I made it easy enough for you to make money? You want me to drop gold bullion bars into your open hands! Give me a break!