I’ve often wondered who the heck would buy now as well.
People wouldn’t buy because homes are still overpriced. Give me as many incentives as you like, a lemon is still a lemon.
Having money or having a job does not mean you would or should throw money away buying a house.
Renting is cheaper. You can rent the average $500k crap shack in SD for what, $2k max per month? That’s being generous of course. In 1 year you paid $24k for rent then. Say you buy it instead. IMO you will lose at least 10% in one year. That’s $50k. Plus insurance, upkeep, tax, etc. etc. etc. Sure you might get a few thousand out of tax deductions (again being generous). Still doesn’t compensate for the difference.
I say if you’re on the fence, rent a house with just your *minimal* living requirements. Cheap. Re-evaluate buying in the winter. If not, wait tell next winter. Repeat. You’ll be happy you did.