“I’ve got a groundbreaking, earthshattering tip to save on fuel costs. Drive less. ”
FLU, it’s even easier than that. Don’t stomp the gas and slam the breaks. Actually, you already said that when you said ‘drive like a pansey’.
Simply paying attention to the traffic ahead and easing off the gas instead of braking and accelerating moderately will give you 20-30% improvement compared to typical CA drving. And BTW, we’re probably on the same side here.
With high fuel prices, there are no winners. High fuel drives costs for lots of things and even if one piddles around in a smug cloud producing Prius, at $7/gal, the fuel prices are going to bust them in the rest of the economy.
My complaint wasn’t directed at you but was instead directed at the specious claims of a need to change. High fuel costs because of global consumption will drive change, but I call baloney on the change being needed for some overall good whether it’s the poser’s concept of egalatarianism, global warming or other junk.
Now if you all will excuse me, I have a strip mining venture to attend to that is making bank from the spike in battery component metals. Okay, I don’t, but face it, elsewhere in the world, they are going balls out, screw the environment, to get the metals and other stuff, our new ‘green’ selves want.