I’ve been weighing pros and cons of healthcare bill and have been vacillating between whether it’s good or bad. Of course, they keep altering versions of it and hard to follow along w/their “improvements” along the way.
Many things I’m still trying to understand. From what I hear, there will be fines for people who do not carry insurance. Okay. If someone can’t afford insurance, forcing them to buy it, versus, say, eating or paying rent, seems burdensome. To fine them on top of that seems cruel.
But setting aside the pressures of forcing someone to buy insurance when they can’t afford it, who will be enforcing the purchase of insurance and who will enforce the fines if they don’t have it?
I know there are a lot of people with tickets who can’t/don’t pay and it turns into a warrant. People violate laws all the time. Is there going to be some insurance police going door-to-door to check if you have insurance and then write you up if you don’t. If you don’t pay the fine, do you get arrested?
I am having trouble understanding the logistics of this particular portion of the bill. Still grappling w/other portions, but this one is one staring me in the face right now.
Also, is there some provision in this healthcare bill for those who are not in the country legally? Or are our taxpaying dollars still covering them in case of emergency?