[quote=itsj0nathan]I think you are confused, i was single at the time of purchase and she was single at the time of my purchase, we still live seperately and will do so for three years. Therefore, why would we have to pay either of the credits back as we were both single at the time and we currently still live in the houses we bought. The only change is we are married by law.
Under those circumstances, had you waited to get married until January of this year, you each would have qualified for the credit. See comment above as to why you don’t. (Yeah, its not fair.)
Sorry, but i gotta ask. Why did you get married if you’re planning on living apart for the next 3 years? If it’s only a scam for the credit, I doubt it can possibly be worth it unless neither house will rent for so little that $8,000 in hand is better than the rent.