It’s so funny how everyone continues to claim he or she was warning about this situation months ago. The truth is everyone who has been on this board for sometime was preparing for a bubble to burst.
Every politician, corrupt or not (unfortunately I fail to find any that aren’t), is now in a position to be a puppet on a global stage. Every single politician was threatened and I am sure those that didn’t vote on this bill, their respective state will feel some sort of consequence from government for their failure to vote yes.
Here is an interesting thought. for every educated citizen who is against this bill there are another 5 people who could care less what happens because they really have no clue and don’t really follow our economy (but they do watch TV). Sure they might be on unemployment or they know a few people that lost their homes, but in reality they are out of touch with what is going on.
I have been probing many of my friends on this economic situation and it always ends up on the topic of how bad Bush was and how great Obama will be. Those I would expect to be educated on what is currently going on in our government are completely opposite and still in their little bubble of Democrat vs. Republican. I get so frustrated myself that people can be so ignorant to where we are at, yet there is little we can do. We can complain, write letters, make phone calls, fly a plane over PB with a sign, but none of that works anymore. The educated, successful citizen that strived to make an honest living and make the world around us a better place seem to be the ones who will end up sacrificing the most. Pretty sad how that works, but as they say the good guys never win!