It’s roughly $20 per sqft premium for renovated vs non renovated properties on average. That’s about $40K for a 2000sqft home in Penasquitos. That’s why I always recommend doing just the basics so you don’t turn off potential buyers. Overdoing it will only result in breaking even. There are some older neighborhoods that require complete renovations that will give you $100K in premiums but not in track homes built 1970 or newer. Basically if your home shows OK, don’t put in the work. This holds especially true for those that are not willing to do some of the work themselves or don’t have good cheap labor. In this case with what limited information given, the kitchen may or may not need to be redone. I would not do cheap materials, but something in the middle range for this neighborhood.
If you look at the recent trends, you will see that a lot of houses are doing carpet/paint to refresh the home. This includes bank owned properties. Even they are getting the hint.
***Never sell to a renovation company. They are the Payday lenders of the house buying industry. Just make sure that your home is lendable and you will get much more than a flipper would pay.***