“it’s not about being fair or upstanding anymore. it’s about taking advantage of the situation to do better for yourself – it’s not illegal – it’s business”
Why not take it a step further. Familiarize yourself with the 1969 case of Daly V some bank.
The case was made that the home was never really the banks because it did not have in legal speak “consideration”. The money was was created out of thin air and was never in the possession of the bank and thus the home was not the property of the bank in legal terms.
The judge and a representative testifying on behalf of the bank also agreed with Daly’s argument, in effect. The bank’s president, Mr. Morgan, admitted that the money did not exist until Daly was given the mortgage, and the money was created out of thin air.
The judge wrote a supporting decision in the case agreeing with Daly, writing “The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan [the bank’s president] admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this.” Thus, the lending of the money to Daly in the form of a mortgage did not constitute valid consideration. The bank did not even have the authority to create money out of thin air according to any known law or statute.
This case has been suppressed far more than argued against, and it has not been overturned. What this means to homeowners facing foreclosure is that they may not even owe their bank any money, and the lender is trying to take the home to pay an illegal contract. This case is, quite possibly, a get out of debt-jail free card.