Its not a hack. Certain subject matter in the post apply to him and him alone. I know the guy and the subjects he would post. I thought it was a hack too at first.
We all chime in… Hijack threads a little… Post OT on big screens and mall shopping. But I think he is making a point about certain people on this site hijacking the ENTIRE Forum List. I complained initially to about the amount of OTs at first but found them amusing laced with good information. But JCfuqquet (miss spelled) and The Breeze have been overloading the forums with left and right wing rhetoric and I think this is SDDuuuude’s response to it.
Crap followed by more crap of equal relevance!
Bad behavior, aside SDDuuuude has many times contributed excellent post to this site that have enlightened people. The guy is Stanford trained so he does know a thing or two…