It’s ironic to me that people who show so much discernement and skepticism with the NAR/NAHB party line can completely buy into the liberal “they do work no one else will, they pay taxes like we do, they are just here to work, etc.” talking points. Granted, many illegals are here to work and if I lived in a country with such a disparity between rich and poor I’d do everything possible to get into the land of opportunity.
I also agree that Bush advocates amnesty and has done nothing to curb illegal immigration. I have worked with a number of colleagues from Russia, UK, India, China, etc. who spent years trying to emigrate legally to the US and Bush has slapped them in the face by proposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Wages for 2nd generation immigrants are now lower due to the arrival of recent illegal immigrants who are willing to work for lower wages, so this helps educated workers like myself procure goods and services at a lower price. But uneducated or lower wage workers cannot capitalize on these lower costs due to their declining purchase power.