It’s billed every two months and starts around $50 for two months for a one-person house with little to nothing to water outside (all concrete or xeriscape). It could go as high as $200 or more from April thru Nov if the resident is watering a large lot even if there are only one or two people living there.
Acreages are even more expensive to water, but most of those residents have wells and do not water the entire property, in any case. They also likely have their own septic system and thus do not pay sewer bills.
The average water bill for a family of four is probably about $80-90 for two months, even if there is nothing to water outside.
Sewer bills range from about $16 mo to $40 mo, depending on water usage from Nov thru April in the previous fiscal year and are adjusted in the first billing cycle after every July 1. Sewer is billed every two months, also, in most jurisdictions.
In County uninc areas, the sewer bill used to be added to the tax bill, but not sure about this anymore.
If any Pigg routinely has higher bills than this, please post your circumstances.