It would have been extremely stupid not to insure the towers against a terrorist attack. After all, it had already been a target of a terrorist attack! Sorry but your smoking gun is a broken water pistol.
Gosh, my neighbor updated her homeowner’s insurance two weeks before the Cedar Fire. If her house had burned down, would you have accused her of setting the fire?
Hey, what about Powayseller – her prefab house actually did burn down and she rebuilt a better, nicer house. Do you suppose she set the fire? (firmly tongue in cheek)
As for the buildings falling straight down and collapsing in on themselves, this is a far more likely scenario than the great big Machiavellian plan where explosives were installed. Gravity pulls one way – DOWN.
It is far more likely that there would be strange coincidences than that the government was in on it.
I lived in Northern Virginia during 9-11. My neighbor’s office was destroyed at the Pentagon. In a strange and lucky coincidence, he happened to be home that morning. Do you think he was in on it?