It would be better for me as an individual if asset prices fall, and that’s what they’re trying to avoid.
-people buy things with savings, not debt.
-“We the People” take control of this country away from the banks and give it back to the citizens.
-a REAL economy, where we build things and make things better for people, not an eCONomy where we just sell inflated assets back and forth to one another.
-a balance between labor and capital, which would have helped to prevent this “crisis” from happening in the first place.
For decades, our entire economy had its foundation built on a mountain of debt. They called this “growth”. As long as people (poor/middle-class workers) buried themselves deeper and deeper in debt, the creditors (wealthy) got more power and money. The sheeple didn’t notice this shift because they had more shiny, plastic “stuff” to show off to one another — all bought with debt that had to be paid back with interest.
The entire system needs to be brought down and rebuilt from scratch. That’s why I don’t want to see a bailout of the scum who brought us this “crisis”.