It took the lenders 10 months to get to this point!!! Geez!!! Is that the norm in California? With that much equity, I don’t know why this wasn’t foreclosed on a lot sooner by the lenders. I’m assuming with foreclosure rates skyrocketing, the time it takes a lender to foreclose on a home is only going to go up as well. This has got to be another reason why we’re not seeing the price declines most people were earlier predicting.
QuietCat-And even if you are able to buy it back. Does that mean your flakey brother gets to live there rent free. Ohhhh and not to get too personal, but where is your DAD in this picture. Because let me tell you, if I ever pulled something like your brother. My dad would have kicked MY ASS!!! Looks like your brother might need a good ass kicking to get rid of that Flakey Bug.