It sounds like you managed to avoid the following (which are very bad for your finances):
1. Live beyond your means.
2. Pay too much interest to credit card companies.
The next step would be:
– Keep on saving toward a 20% down payment. It only “seem” to take forever. If you are determined & patient you’ll get there.
In some ways, you are in a very good position. That is, prices will take a few years to bottom out and it takes you a few more years to save for the down payment. Home price is going down & your savings is going up. What else can you ask for ?
>> I guess the long and short is I’ve always wanted a place of my own
It’s better to be late in reaching your goal than to be in a hurry and buying before you are ready. Many folks bought before they are ready & had to use adjustable mortgages to buy. They are now facing the consequences.