It might be “sexist,” but it’s reality, whether we like it or not. I’m sure most women would gladly trade places with men as far as the youth/beauty-for-money transaction goes. After all, one has some control over whether or not s/he has money, but very little control over one’s (natural) looks…and aging cannot be controlled at all.
FWIW, there are very few men who would marry a woman for money…but quite a few women who would marry a man for his looks (or sense of humor, intelligence, character, etc.). Men tend to have many variables with which they can attract women, while women have only one (for the most part) with which to attract men. Men are very much the winners in this deal.
And while most men would argue that you have to be physically attracted to your wife in order to have a good marriage, most women would argue that having a husband who makes a decent living is necessary for a good marriage, as well. There are always exceptions, of course, but that doesn’t change the rule.
So, while intelligent men will want a wife for things other than ONLY beauty; and intelligent women will want a husband for things other than ONLY money, both of these things are very highly prized by the respective sexes. It’s been this way throughout human history…again, whether we like it or not.