You don’t own the home until you finish paying for it. Until then, all you have is roughly a lease-option-to-buy from the bank with a few more legal protections.
Don’t pay a lease and you are out. Don’t pay a mortgage and you are out.
The Earls have been ordered to move out a week from today, but their attorney, Michael Pines, says they may move back in, saying they can legally do that since the judge didn’t issue a permanent injunction.
Unless you consider being put in prison for contempt of court(they were ordered out), B&E, trespass, vandalism, felony theft(amounts greater than 10k).
He’s reportedly helped other Southern California families break back into their old homes, and Pines claims that mortgage securitization calls into question every commercial and residential loan going back decades.
I wonder how much longer this guy will have his ABA license?