It is really immaterial whether the OP resides in SEH … or not, svelte. My point was that they are paying (entirely voluntary) MR and HOA dues because they had/have many housing choices in this county.
Here’s a “random” article for you to chew on:
San Marcos Mello-Roos
All homes in San Marcos built between 1988 and present are part of a Mello Roos District (aka Community Facilities District, CFD). A Mello-Roos District/CFD is an area of homes in which homeowners are obligated to pay a special property tax on top of a standard property tax. This special tax is used to help pay for a lot of the same facilities and services that a standard property tax pays for, such as streets, water, sewage and drainage, electricity, infrastructure, schools, parks and police/fire protection.
Instead of chastising me, why don’t you give the Piggs a ballpark estimate of the OP’s monthly MR + HOA dues? After all, you are our “resident expert” on SM, no?
As an “uninformed observer,” I’ll just take a random stab at what the total monthly nut is and you let me know how close I am, okay?
For the OP’s size house:
$225 mo MR and $150 mo HOA dues, totaling a $375 mo dent in their strained budget.
I haven’t even tried to find any listings around there … this is just my guess.