It is hard to expect to keep benefits in the long run that have disappeared for the private sector.
…because private sector employees **chose** to let those benefits go.
It was all part of the Great Brainwashing Experiment over the past few decades.
1. Convince everyone that union workers are lazy, incompetent and overpaid. Convince the sheeple that unions are ~~BAD!!!~~
2. Convince the sheeple that they, too, can be rich and famous, if only they try. We can — each and every one of us — be rich beyond our wildest dreams if we all work 60+ hour weeks and forego any personal time or enjoyment of life.
3. Convince the sheeple that we all need college degrees, even if we just flip burgers for a living. Denigrate blue-collar work and all that “dirty” sort of stuff. We can all become wealthy if we just sell debt and other financial “products” back-and-forth to one another. As long as we’re putting in 60+ hours, we’ve earned it!!!
4. Convince the sheeple that once they become wealthy, they will not like progressive taxation, so they are trained to vote for politicians who represent the rich (can be either Democrats or Republican, but most are Repubs). They can be further convinced by voting for issues related to marriage rights and abortion and flag burning — emotional things that are meant to distract the masses so the wealthy can plunder our resources even more and create laws which funnel more money to their own.
5. Convince the sheeple that competing with third-world wages will make them rich…somehow.
Sure hope Americans wake up soon, and start focusing on what really matters — jobs (union jobs), and money flows. We desperately need to address the wealth disparity in this country — before it’s too late. We can’t do this without unions, IMHO. Hopefully, it’s not too late.