It is called playing the Ref. Cramer to a lesser extent did the same thing when the FED was raising especially from 4.75 to 5.25. When they raised to 5 and kept the language in place for further hikes he went ballistic on his show. I think he even mentioned a housing crash back then. Bill Gross of Pimco has been uber bearish on housing and pleaded with the FED to lower at the beginning of this year or else. Of course being the largest bond trader he stood to benefit the most from an easing. To me watching CNBC is no different than watching the Cartoon Network. The should open each show with the Warner Bros Looney Toons intro. I’m like you Temeculaguy “I am just some dude who thinks economics is a cool hobby”. I don’t have the info that these guys have but I have a gut feeling that this problem is more than they can chew and they have known that for quite some time.