And this is just a partial list of industries that lobby in one way or another. It doesn’t include the multi-millionaire and billionaire capitalists who donate personally in order to lower labor and environmental standards, or who lobby in order to get laws passed that force people to buy or use certain goods/services (like helmets, car seats, using licensed contractors, etc., etc.), or whose companies will benefit from govt contracts of various sorts, or those whose properties will see an increase in value as public infrastructure is built to/around it, etc., etc. It also doesn’t include promises of jobs for the politicians or their friends/family members. And it doesn’t count “under the table” bribes that are far more common where private industry is concerned.
You keep barking up the wrong tree WRT unions, paramount. You do not seem to comprehend on which side you sit where labor/capital are concerned. Don’t worry, though, you have lots and lots of company, unfortunately.