It doesn’t matter who wins, the rabid faction of the losing party is going to snap either way.
My concern is it isn’t over.
Ohio is already babbling about absentee ballots.
Broward county, once again, has voter issues in Florida.
The Northeast has last minute voting exemptions that let people vote in the wrong jurisdiction.
In other words, it’s readily possible that the winner isn’t know until next week, the week after, or maybe even… after Thanksgiving.
Let’s hope for a surprise blow-out, one way or the other.
And duck for cover if the popular vote and Electoral college don’t line up. Not sure which side would come more unhinged.
That said, this election was a colossal disappointment.
The Supreme Court is wrong, money has completely corrupted our process. Money wasn’t used as free speech. It was used has shout down by both sides, at virtually all levels. The presidential campaign just the direct fundraising by Obama, Romney spent and raised nearly as much as it cost to do the Mars Rover. What a sad waste.
Molly Munger spent $44 million on Prop 38. Her brother, with an apparent opposite political view, spent even more on 32 and 30. Aren’t you glad they didn’t just buy Assembly people and Senators. The average spent on the “hot” legislature races is $180K. Imagine what they could have done, spending twice that per race on a candidate of their chosing…