My older son has the worlds crappiest teeth. His first filling was at age 3.
That cavity was fairly shallow. They didn’t bother with the novacaine shot since they were pretty sure they could do it without hitting any nerves. It went surprisingly well. No sedative, no shots.
He’s had a lot of work since then. (He’s 8 now.) He actually had 2 of his permanent molars come out of the gums already rotten… So they had to crown them immediately. He’s also had to have two of his baby molars extracted and replaced with spacers. The work where he had the crowns and later the extractions – they gave him demeral and used laughing gas.
Are you going to a family dentist or a pediatric specialist. My other son just goes to the family dentist. (Same dentist I use). But to do the demeral/laughing gas on kids they have special training – so a pediatric dentist is needed. So the son with the crappy teeth now goes to Clairemont Pediatric Dental.