Is this what America has come to? A man in his 50’s complaining that he rents a nice house, which I highly doubt is a POS if it is listed at $1mil. Granted it may not be a mansion, but chances are suffering with $2million in the bank isn’t that tough.
If he could only empathize with the younger generation who have to walk away from their homes because the banks were smart enough to lend money to a human with a heartbeat.
I rent an incredible home for $2,600/month. I don’t pay for the gardener, the pool cleaner or anything that breaks in the home. There are benefits to being a renter and these are just a few. I guess if you had to the weigh the option of losing $100K+/- (could be much more depending on the value of your home) on a home or suffering in a rental while the market runs it’s course, I would have to pick the latter.
If you want to see how tough life can really be traveling 1 hour south to your local Mexican pub and strike up a conversation. We got it so good in this country you don’t even know. This collapse is part of many cycles that have to occur to make this world go round.