Is the addition single-story, or two-story? Does it really impact the livability of the home and property that you’re interested in, or is it just something that nags you for some other reason?
No matter where you move, you may very well have a neighbor or two that you don’t like…maybe even one that you hate. Personally, I think it’s better to focus on the neighbors that you do like. Just ignore the “bad” ones (and it’s all relative), and know that living with differences is just part of living, and as long as they are really offensive, just live and let live. Other people might be offended by something you do, too. It’s just how things are.
You did very well on finding this home, being astute enough to figure out what the potential landlord was hoping to do, and pouncing on it. If it looks like a really good deal, and if the location, lot, and layout are what you’re looking for, go for it!
As you know, good/cheap rentals are hard to find. This deal sounds like one of those rare opportunities in life where you will look back on it and high-five yourself. 🙂
Hope it goes well, and that you make friends with these neighbors. They might be some of the awesomest people you’ve ever met!