“is that an appropriate question? it doesn’t seem like the kind of question that you’re supposed to ask…”
Interesting point Drunkle… I guess it is one of those things that vary with the individual. As an anal engineer it is one that to me does seem appropriate. Your point is well taken though. When I buy a car I don’t ask the salesman what his cut is although if I hired a salesman to buy a car from another salesman then I might…
There are no hard and fast rules about it but to me it is common sense. Once upon a time I used my sister in law at Coldwell… I would do legwork and she would get full commissions. I guess as I have gotten older and crankier my expectations are higher but my reluctance to pose embarassing questions to people has gotten lower.
Amy – I understand your point. It is a matter of perspective from your angle right? From your p.o.v. the agent should have told you… However from her p.o.v. it is not any of your business. Why should you get a rebate if there is a 10k bonus? So are you saying that if the commission was 42k you should not get a rebate but if the commission is 52k you should? I guess that doesn’t make any sense to me. Note I am only playing a devils advocate role here. If you are expecting a rebate then my advice is to make sure ALL of the details are ironed out up front and ahead of time. What if the seller was only paying 2% instead of 3%. Or what if the seller offered only 2% but then offered a 1% bonus on top of it? You see what I am saying? Your expectations need to account for things like this. Just iron out the details with your realtor… Your agents broker may not even allow any rebates.